Monday 23 May 2016

The best things in life are free

The money in the world is essential. With money we can buy some food, we can buy some presents or we can pay a house to live. With money we can survive. But, is it more important one thing that costs money? What about the feelings? Is it more important one thing that costs money than a feeling? Is it more important money than love? I don't think so!

On the first side, I think it because, in my case, for example come back home, and have lunch while I talk to my mum, is better than the most expensive gift of the world. Sometimes, the least things are bigger than the others. The feelings are the most real thing in one person, they are the things that describe a person like a real person. If you don't have feelings, you would be like a rock!

On the second side, I believe that because without feelings we never would have an esciting life. A present can make you feeling excited one day, but the feelings can make you feeling excited all the days.

So finally, the feelings make your life more complete in all of the aspects.
And there are the reasons because of the best things in life are free.

Ainara Mimbrero Solla

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